Thursday, November 5, 2009

Your Dash

I came upon a poem, film; well, it was a bunch of stuff about the book called The Dash.
What it amounts to is you are born and you die. The Dash between your Birth and Death is the only thing that is important. It's what you did during that time that shows who you really are or were.
Your dash is an example of how you lived your life. Your Dash can be good or it can be bad. What it is is up to you. Did you do something to improve the Human Condition somehow or somewhere? Maybe you dedicated your life to being a complete Asshole.
I AM an English teacher and I have lived in about 13 different countries. I like to think I did something with my life that indicates that I tried to improve the Human Condition. think about it. Just what has your Dash been about?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Some People Just Don't Get It

Some people just don't get it. I went out to buy some toilet paper. Natural act but I went to three different stores and all had NO toilet paper. I had had enough of walking around looking for something to wipe my ass with.

I said, "I have a question. What happens to all this food after people get it?"
"I don't know" was the reply.
I countered with, "It comes out the other end as shit and you have no paper for people to wipe their ass with. There are some of us here who don't like to get Shit on their hands when we clean ourselves up."
The look on his face told me that he couldn't put the two together. They just don't get it.

Some People Just Don't Get It

Some people just don't get it. I went out to buy some toilet paper. Natural act but I went to three different stores and all had NO toilet paper. I had had enough of walking around looking for something to wipe my ass with.

I said, "I have a question. What happens to all this food after people get it?"
"I don't know" was the reply.
I countered with, "It comes out the other end as shit and you have no paper for people to wipe their ass with. There are some of us here who don't like to get Shit on their hands when we clean ourselves up."
The look on his face told me that he couldn't put the two together. They just don't gt it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Splitting Hairs

Who's Ruler are we using anyway? Who decides what is or isn't good for us. We Do. That's Who. We continue to go through the here and possibly someplace else everyday and as we go we make waves which show that we have invaded the spaces around us. We give notice that our measuring paradigm is just as valid as those who sometimes are touted as the tell all of conceptual pervasive existences which we know to be plural even at it's most basic and simple form. it seems to give us added height because we know and understand down to our most basic life forms we posses that in the words of a Famous Philosopher, Mr. Natural, who guides us through the Curtains of Reality we have to accept.... that it "Don't Mean Shit."

Upon acceptance and realization that he is basically correct in his assumptions on the myrad of Curtains that we go through, the stages or curtains as you may prefer to call them, show us the way to the state of relevant importance attaching itself to our naturalized and true existence we call pure "Jump Think." That is our goal, "Jump Think." Without our continued struggle to place ourselves in this arena we will probably languish in the scrap heap of meager Medical Waste products piled up in the open for all to ponder while they themselves are struggling to cope with the lightening influenced adversity people and entities find themselves intrinsically engaged in.

In The Beginning

There is always something around the corner or over on the other side that people are looking for. Do they ever find it? Probably not. They are just looking. They may find something but the mere fact that they are looking is a testament that they haven't found what they are looking for. Where do they decide that they have found it? They don't. So what is the point of it all? There is a point but nobody knows what it is. That's just the way Reality is. Go with it.

We are frequently faced with things we had no idea of at an earlier time. Are we surprised that we have to go through it all. If we are, we shouldn't be. All the signs were there for us to look at. We just didn't bother to register it and put it on our list of possible things that would come up in the future. We know that it happens or could happen but we couldn't bring ourselves to really come to grips with the possibility. Now, when it does come to be, we have to be mentally prepared to whether the storm of contention.